Freudige Gesichter und emotionale Momente prägten die Sponsionsfeier 2024 an der FH Kufstein Tirol. Mit insgesamt fünf festlichen Zeremonien an zwei Tagen wurden in Summe 328 Absolvent:innen aus 24 Studiengängen verabschiedet – ein Ereignis, das noch lange in Erinnerung bleiben wird.
International programs
Internationalism is highly valued at the FH Kufstein Tirol University of Applied Sciences.
For this reason lecturers are taught in English in each studies.
The master studies International Business Studies and Sports, Culture & Event Management are completely taught in English.
Students and lecturers gladly accept the offer of being mobile and gaining experience abroad. In the bachelor programs at FH Kufstein Tirol a semester abroad is compulsory. The students choose out of more than 215 International partner universities.
According to their studies they choose from various universities. In addition to the semester abroad the students have to complete an internship aswell.
The international atmosphere at FH Kufstein Tirol gains from more than 200 Incoming students from all over the world.