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Studienjahr 2016/17

Restructuring certificate for Master's program at FH Kufstein Tirol 30.11.2016

Following a one-year evaluation period, the part-time Master's degree program Corporate Restructuring has now received a TMA certification by the German Association of Restructuring Experts (TMA).

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FH Kufstein Tirol hosted a successful conference about smart products and smart systems 30.11.2016

The second conference in this event series, which focused on value generation from data, attracted a lot of attention. The event outlined the influence smart products have on production processes and business models.

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Over 130 experts discussed customer orientation at the PQM Dialog at the FH Kufstein Tirol 23.11.2016

The twelfth PQM Dialog in Kufstein put the spotlight on process and quality management experts who gave their input on "customer orientation – a requirement for and reality in our business processes".

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Survey POTENTIALe Messe Art and Design Feldkirch 15.11.2016

The city marketing and tourism department of Feldkirch commissioned a group of students to conduct a visitor poll of the cultural festival in Feldkirch.

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Using virtual networking systems and information technologies, the ViSIT project brings cultural heritage closer to tourists 27.10.2016

Together with the University of Passau, Germany, and the research center Salzburg Research, the FH Kufstein Tirol receives 2.5 million euros of EU funding for an innovative project.

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Smart Garden 18.10.2016

The 2014-year group of Industrial Engineering and Management students were given the opportunity to carry out a practical smart garden project for the company VIKING.

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International Study Trip to Scotland 17.10.2016

Students from the full time masters degree program Sport, Culture, and Event Management visit the Scottish cities of Edinburgh and Glasgow to examine living elements from all aspects of their fields of study.

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News of the FH Kufstein

Ein Abschluss voller Höhepunkte: Die Sponsionsfeier 2024

Freudige Gesichter und emotionale Momente prägten die Sponsionsfeier 2024 an der FH Kufstein Tirol. Mit insgesamt fünf festlichen Zeremonien an zwei Tagen wurden in Summe 328 Absolvent:innen aus 24 Studiengängen verabschiedet – ein Ereignis, das noch lange in Erinnerung bleiben wird.

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Irlands Zauber - Ein Auslandssemester voller Entdeckungen

Andreas Schmieger studiert Internationale Wirtschaft & Management an der FH Kufstein Tirol und verbrachte sein Auslandsjahr in Irland an der Partneruniversität South East Technological University (SETU) in Carlow. Eines seiner Highlights: die zahlreichen neuen Kontakte mit internationalen Studierenden.

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Karrierewege im Fokus: Interviews mit erfolgreichen Persönlichkeiten

Lassen Sie sich von den Erfahrungen erfolgreicher Menschen inspirieren. Unsere Studierenden haben verschiedene Persönlichkeiten interviewt, um herauszufinden, was sie anders machen und wie Sie selbst ihre Erfolgsstrategien anwenden können.

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