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Studienjahr 2019/20

University of applied sciences expansion and redesign of city park successfully concluded 15.06.2020

The grand opening of the city park was supposed to take place in May. Even though this celebration that had been planned with the residents of Kufstein had to be canceled because of the corona crisis, the people in charge are glad about the successful project.

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Virtual international study trip: exciting experiences at renowned companies 29.05.2020

The idea to take this year’s international study trip virtually was born because of corona. Taking the trip digitally was not a big challenge for the students in the part-time study program Data Science & Intelligent Analytics.

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Virtual international study trip through Finland and Estonia 28.05.2020

The international study trip for the bachelor degree program International Business Studies took place virtually this year because of COVID-19. The students digitized the trip and reorganized the original schedule

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Successful communication in times of distancing 28.05.2020

In the spring of 2020 because of the coronavirus, personal contact had to be radically restricted and people were switched to their home offices. A researcher at the FH Kufstein Tirol shows how the performance of virtual communication can be optimized.

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Digital handover of the 20th school-leaving certificate award from the University of Applied Sciences Kufstein Tirol to HLW Spittal an der Drau School 20.05.2020

For the first time, the school-leaving certificate award was not handed over personally to the winning class but digitally. The students at HLW Spittal School were glad about the winning amount of €3,000.00, and they share it together.

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Students at the University of Applied Sciences Kufstein Tirol innovated the Kufstein public utility company’s Beecars 19.05.2020

A practical project group from the Smart Products & Solutions study program developed a function for the Amazon Language Assistant as an example of what the students could do. It is now used to answer questions while driving with the Beecar.

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CHE higher education institution ranking: Top rankings in personal service and practical education 08.05.2020

This year the University of Applied Sciences Kufstein Tirol participated in the higher education institution ranking in the subjects of Business Administration, Industrial Engineering, and Business Information Systems and achieved a superior placement.

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Digital success of the first online open house 04.05.2020

The open house at the University of Applied Sciences Kufstein Tirol took place digitally for the first time on April 25, 2020. The visitors received a good overall impression of the FH and appreciated how the open house was handled.

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Current study shows motives for media use during the crisis 29.04.2020

In a current scientific study, two researchers from the University of Applied Sciences Kufstein Tirol studied motives of current media use during the corona crisis. The research work reveals surprising results.

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School-leaving certificate postponed? No problem! 29.04.2020

Currently schools are being closed and reopened, and final examinations are being rescheduled. The University of Applied Sciences Kufstein Tirol reacted with more flexibility for admission appointments.

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Digital Twin – concepts and application possibilities 23.04.2020

During the Q-NNECT knowledge transfer project, a two-day workshop was held at the University of Applied Sciences Kufstein Tirol with 14 representatives from the Austrian industrial sector about the topic of the Digital Twin.

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9th FM & REM WinterSchool – sustainable urban development 16.04.2020

The WinterSchool annually invites around 200 international students to the University of Applied Sciences Kufstein Tirol to work on a sustainable real estate project. This year innovative utilization concepts for a student dormitory were presented.

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News of the FH Kufstein

Ein Abschluss voller Höhepunkte: Die Sponsionsfeier 2024

Freudige Gesichter und emotionale Momente prägten die Sponsionsfeier 2024 an der FH Kufstein Tirol. Mit insgesamt fünf festlichen Zeremonien an zwei Tagen wurden in Summe 328 Absolvent:innen aus 24 Studiengängen verabschiedet – ein Ereignis, das noch lange in Erinnerung bleiben wird.

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Irlands Zauber - Ein Auslandssemester voller Entdeckungen

Andreas Schmieger studiert Internationale Wirtschaft & Management an der FH Kufstein Tirol und verbrachte sein Auslandsjahr in Irland an der Partneruniversität South East Technological University (SETU) in Carlow. Eines seiner Highlights: die zahlreichen neuen Kontakte mit internationalen Studierenden.

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Karrierewege im Fokus: Interviews mit erfolgreichen Persönlichkeiten

Lassen Sie sich von den Erfahrungen erfolgreicher Menschen inspirieren. Unsere Studierenden haben verschiedene Persönlichkeiten interviewt, um herauszufinden, was sie anders machen und wie Sie selbst ihre Erfolgsstrategien anwenden können.

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