
Thomas Madritsch

Madritsch Thomas
Prof. (FH) Dr. Thomas Madritsch
CEO Managing Director
+43 5372 71819 301

Biographical sketch and education

Thomas Madritsch began directing the University of Applied Sciences in Kufstein Tirol, in 2011, following more than ten years as Director of Studies and fifteen years of professional experience in Facility Management. During his leadership the University increased up to a highly ranked University with 2200 students from 50 nations and more than 210 international Partner Universities all over the world. As Director of Studies, his focus was on the development and enrichment of academic programs for full and part-time undergraduates and graduates in Facility Management and Real Estate Management.  Thomas has nurtured these university programs by planning and organizing several events and conferences to promote the interchange of ideas and information. He has also spearheaded, managed and collaborated on several innovative research projects. Thomas holds many key positions on national and international committees and advisory boards and with professional associations.  He has published a multitude of papers and journal articles based on his combined practical and academic experience in real estate and facility management.  Thomas has lectured and given presentations on various facility management topics at universities and conferences throughout the European Union, Scandinavia, Central Europe, Asia and the USA. The quality and scope of his work in this field has been recognized and awarded by respected organizations both at home and abroad.


Beyond his professional and academic interests, Thomas enjoys cross-country skiing, cycling, travelling and exploring other cultures.  A most important aspect of his life is family – his wife and two children. 

Educational Background

Thomas Madritsch’s educational background includes an MSc in Organisation and Personal Development (Innsbruck, Austria; 2000), an MA in Marketing (Betr. Oec., Schloßhofen, Austria; 1993), and a degree in Engineering (Jenbach, Austria; 1984). He is also a Chartered Building Surveyor and Certified Real Estate Project Manager. His PhD in Health Care Management for System Research and Development was awarded by UMIT Hall, Austria in 2008.


Highest honor as IFMA Fellow 
International Facility Management Association, San Antonio 2012

Highly Commended Award Winner for Excellence 2012
Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2012, United Kingdom

Award of Excellence - Educator of the Year 2011
International Facility Management Association - IFMA, World Worksplace 2011, Phoenix, USA 

Nomination “Educator of the year”, International Facility Management Association - IFMA, World Worksplace 2010, Atlanta, USA http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CfEAFPSts70

Nominierung für den “Best Paper Award”, German Facility Management Conference 2010, Frankfurt, Germany

Award for Board Member and Chairmen Education Network Group 2005-2007, European Facility Management Association EuroFM, Naarden, NL

Award for outstanding contribution in promoting the facility management profession, International Facility Management Degree Programs, World Worksplace 2007 – New Orleans, International Facility Management Association (IFMA), Houston

Teaching at FH Kufstein

  • Principles of Facility Management and Real Estate Management
  • Strategic Facility Management
  • Built Environment Modeling and Performance Measurement
  • Project Management and Management Skills for FM
  • Facility- & Real Estate Management Case Studies
  • Supervising Master thesis and case studies
  • Real Life Business Cases and Study field trips
  • http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hUGPo21T9bk

Research projects

Built Environment Modeling and Performance Measurements for Facility Management, University of Applied Sciences FH KufsteinTirol, Pratt Institute New York City, Presbyterian Hospital, New York City, USA. The aim of the research project is to develop an analysis tool to allow the assessment and benchmarking of an organization’s Facility Management capability with major real estate portfolios in the US, Asia and Europe, Project Leader

IMMOVALUE- Improving the market impact of energy certification by introducing energy efficiency and life-cycle costs into property valuation praxis, Intelligent Energy – Europe (IEE), KPMG Austria (AT), Dr Leopoldsberger + Partner (DE), e7 Energie Markt Analyse GmBH (AT), SINTEF (Norway), Technical University “Gheorghe Asachi” of Iasi (RO), HSK Kufstein (AT), Senior Expert, Budget € 650,000, (since 2008)

Benchmarking und Betriebskostenanalysen von Krankenhäusern, Identifikation von Kostentreibern im Facility Management und Erarbeitung von Optimierungspotentialen, Auftragsforschung, Südtiroler Sanitätsbetriebe, Italien

Standortanalysen und Anlagenkonzeption für Gesundheitszentren und Wellnessoasen, Auftragsforschung, Siemens Gebäudemanagement & -Services G.m.b.H., Wien, Austria

Entwicklung eines Klassifizierungs- und Analysewerkzeug für Facility Management - Facility Management Performance Profiles , Forschungsprojekt des Tiroler Wissenschaftsfonds - TWF, Projektpartner Prof. Ebinger Prebistorian Hospital, Pratt Institute, NYC, USA

Immobilien-Datenbank Analysen zur Ableitung lebenszyklusorientierter Investitionsentscheidungen, Haus der Zukunft, FFG (AT), FH Münster (D), FGW - Forschungsges. f. Wohnen, Bauen und Planen (AT), Ö- Verband der Immobilientreuhänder (AT), Konnex (AT), Neumann & Partner (D), FH Kufstein (AT), Expert Professor, Budget € 124,492.-, (since 2008)

Austrian Benchmarking Research Project “Database for the Real Estate Market in Austria“ Real Estate Benchmarking Institute (IBI), FH KufsteinTirol – Austria, Project Manager, Budget € 400,000 – 3 Years, (2007-2009)

Office Usability /Office Performance, Project Cooperation „WORKPLACE MANAGEMENT“, Helsinki University of Technology (FI), Stanford University (USA), Salford University (UK), NTNU Norway (N); Tyrolean Research Fonds – Austria, Senior Expert, (2007-2009)

Best practice for successful CAFM implementation
Market Research: Practical CAFM examples in Germany, Austria and Swiss, Subsided Project, Tiroler Wissenschaftsfond, Innsbruck, (2006-2008)

Affiliations and community

  • EuroFM Ambassador of Facility Management, European Facility Management Association (since 2018)
  • Member, IAUP International Association of University Presidents, New York
  • Board of Directors, Austrian Association of Universities of Applied Sciences, Vienna (since 2011)
  • Board of Directors, Tyrolean Association of Universities, Innsbruck (since 2012)
  • Facility Management Accreditation Commission (FMAC) International Facility Management Foundation, HoustonProgram Advisory Committee, German Facility Management Conference, Frankfurt, Germany 2011-2016
  • Scientific Committee, World Worksplace WWP 2012 International Facility Management Conference, Houston, Texas
  • Scientific Committee, EFMC Conference, Vienna 2011. Copenhagen 2012
  • Chairman, Kufsteiner Facility Management Gespräche, Kufstein – Austria (2001-2011) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=folIpRT8Ha8&list=FL8g3iJL1ILVtkllK6s1HLXQ&index=9&feature=plpp_video
  • Program Advisory Committee, German Facility Management Conference, Frankfurt, Germany 2011/2012
  • Board Member, Scientific Committee, European Facility Management Conference, Amsterdam, NL (2009)
  • Chairman, Marcus Evans Facility Management Summit, Heiligendamm – Germany (2008)
  • Member, International Evaluation Team, Learning by Developing (LbD) Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Helsinki – Finland (2007/08)
  • Member, International Real Estate Federation, FIABCI, Fédération internationale des professions immobiliéres, Paris –France (2007)
  • Member Jury – International Poster Session, World Worksplace, International Facility Management Association (IFMA) , Houston-Tx (2007)
  • Chairman, Program Advisory Group: Poster Session, European Facility Management Conference, Zurich – Switzerland (2007)
  • Chairman, European FM Award: Student of the Year, EuroFM, London – United Kingdom
  • External Examiner, RICS Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, London-United Kingdom (since 2006)
  • Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, MRICS London-United Kingdom (since 2006)
  • Member of Jury, FM-Innovations Forum, Facility Management Kongress 2006, Vienna – Austria (2006)
  • CEN TC 348 “Facility Management” Nominated Expert from Austria Standards Institute (since 2006)
  • Chamber of Commerce Austria Real Estate Management - Education Task Force(since 2006)
  • Chairman, Education Network Group, EuroFM Member of Board, European Facility Management Organisation, Naarden-Netherlands (since 2005)
  • Examiner ACQUIN , Accreditation and Quality Management Bayreuth-Germany (since 2005)
  • Editorial Board, “Der Facility Manager” Forum Verlag Herkert GmbH, Merching-Germany (since 2004)
  • Scientific Ambassador, European Center for Facility Management, Villa FM, Collvecchio, Roma-Italy (since 2004)
  • Expert Jury, “Austrian Facility Management Prize” FMA-Facility Management Austria, Austria (since 2003)
  • Peer-Group/External Examiner, Recognized Facility Management Programs IFMA International Facility Management Association, Houston-USA (since 2003)
  • Member of Board, IFMA, International Facility Management Association and FMA, Facility Management Austria, Austrian Chapter,
    Vienna-Austria (since 2001)
  • ÖNORM, Facility Management FNA240, Austria Standards Institute, Vienna-Austria (since 2001)
  • Member of Board, WdF, Austrian Executive Manager Organisation, Innsbruck-Austria (2003-2007)

Selected publications

Madritsch, T. (2017), “Den Vergleich wagen – Identifikation von Kostentreibern in Krankenhäusern” in: KU special Facilitymanagement, Gebäude- und Krankenhaustechnik, Mediengruppe Oberfranken, pp. 32-35

Madritsch, T. (2016), “Zeitmanagement – Schlüssel für Effektivität und Effizienz” in: Improve, Fachhochschule Kufstein Tirol, Kufstein November 2016

Madritsch, T., Ebinger, M. (2016), “Optimierung von Facility Management Prozessen” in: Facility Management – here we go -  Standortbestimmung einer Milliardenbranche, Züricher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften, November 2016, 146-154,pp 290-294.

Madritsch, T., Pilger, A. (2015), “Facility Management” in: Miet- und Wohnrecht, Manz Verlag, Wien, ISBN: 978-3-214-14553-8, pp. 1053-105796

Madritsch, T., Pilger, A. (2014), “Facility Managemen” in: Miet- und Wohnrecht, Manz Verlag, Wien, ISBN: 978-3-214-14553-8, pp. 1053-105796

Madritsch, T., Ebinger, M. (2014), “Developing a New Management Model for the Built Environment: The Built Environment Management Model BEM2 and BEM3” in: Science Journal of Business Management, ISSN: 2331-0626 and 2332-0634, pp 1-9.

Ebinger, M., Madritsch, T. (2012), “A classification framework for facilities and real estate management – The Built Environment Management Model BEM2” in:Facilities, ISSN 0263-2772, Vol.30 No.5/6, pp. 185-198.

Madritsch, T., Ebinger, M. (2012), “Optimierung von Facility Management Prozessen über Reifegradprofile” in:Facility Management 2012 - Tagungsband, ISBN 978-38007-3417-7 / ISNN 2191-4877, pp. 53-61.

Madritsch, T., Ebinger, M. (2011), “A management framework for the built environment: BEM2/BEM3” in:Built Environment Project and Asset Management, ISNN 2044-124X, Vol.1 No.2, pp. 110-121.

Madritsch, T., Ebinger, M. (2011), “Performance Measurement in Facility Management” in: Research Journal of Economics, Business and ICT, London-UK, ISSN: 2045-3345, pp. 4-11

Madritsch, T., Ebinger, M. (2011), “A Classification and Assessment Framework for Built Environment Performance” in: Forschungsforum der Österreichischen Fachhochschulen, Campus Wien, ISBN: 978-3-902614-16-2, pp. 282-284
Ebinger, M., Madritsch, T. (2011), “A critical review of Facility Management Taxonomies” in: Built Environment – International FM&REM Congress 2011, University of Applied Sciences Kufstein Tirol, ISBN: 978-3-9503068-1-1, pp.10-22.
Madritsch, T., Ebinger, M. (2011), “Facility Management Performance Profile von Krankenhäusern in USA und Europa” in: Facility Management 2011, Frankfurt, Germany

Madritsch, T., Ebinger, M. (2010), “Reifegradprofile für Built Environment” in: Tagungsband - 2. Forschungssysmposium der Baubetriebs- und Immobilienwissenschaften, Technische Universität München - agenda4, ISBN: 978-3-939956-18-1, pp.279-291.

Madritsch, T. (2010), “Nutzenpotentiale durch Facility Management für Krankenhäuser”, in: Journal für Facility Management, ISSN 2190-9814, pp. 49-51.

Madritsch, T. (2010 Hrsg.), “A classification and assessment framework for the built environment”, in: International FM & REM Congress 2010 – Opportunities of Sustainability, ISBN: 978-3-9503068-0-4, pp. 270-275.

Madritsch, T., May, M. (2010), „Decision Support by Computer Aided Facility Management for Properties and Real Estates“, in: DSS 2010 the 15th IFIP WG8.3 International Conference on Decision Support Systems, ISSN 1647-7103.

Madritsch, T. et.al. (2010 Hrsg.), „Improving Healthcare with the aid of Real Estate & Facility Management“, Fachhochschule Kufstein, ISBN: 978-3-8391-9278-8.

Madritsch, T., Ebinger, M. (2010), „Maturity Assessments for Facility Management in Hospitals“ in: 4. Forschungsforum der Fachhochschulen, ISBN 978-3-200-01809-9, pp.454-457.

Floegl, H., Madritsch, T. (2010), „Praxisnahe Analyse der Folgekostentreiber bei Gesundheitsimmobilien“ in: Facility Management 2010, ISBN 978-3-8007-3210-4, pp. 427-437.

Madritsch, T. (2009), “Best Practice – Betriebskostenanalyse bei Altersheimen“, in: Facility Management – FM Lösungen erkennen, beraten, möglich machen, VDE Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, ISBN 9783800731510, pp.439-448.

Madritsch, T. (2009), “Best practice benchmarking in order to analyze operating costs in the health care sector“, in: Tagungsband,3.Forschungsforum der Österreichischen Fachhochschulen FFH09, ISBN 9783853912850, pp.69-74.

Madritsch, T. (2009), “Best practice benchmarking in order to analyze operating costs in the health care sector“, in: Journal of Facilities Management, ISNN 1472-5967, Vol.7 No.1, pp.61-73.

Keiler, S., Steixner, D., Madritsch, T. (2008), „Neue Wege im Benchmarking: Die statistische Analyse von Nebenkosten“, in: Proceedings - 1. IFM Congress, Technical University, ISBN:978-3-200-01403-9, Vienna, Austria

Madritsch, T. (2008), “Developing a Best Practice Benchmarking Tool for Operating Cost in the Health Care Sector”, in: Facility Management 2008, University of Technology ISBN 978-80-89216-22-2, Bratislava-Slovakia, pp. 123-128.

Madritsch, T., May, M. (2008), “Best Practice for Successful CAFM Implementation”, in: Proceedings of the CIB W070 International Conference in Facility Management, Healthy and Creative Facilities, Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh, 2008, UK, pp. 95-105

Madritsch, T., May, M. (2008), “Decision Support by Computer Aided Facility Management”, in: Proceedings of the CIB W070 International Conference in Facility Management, Healthy and Creative Facilities, Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh, 2008, UK, pp. 127-136

Madritsch, T. (2008), “Innovative personnel development as a strategic tool for Facility Management”, in: Proceedings - East Africa Regional Conference on Facilities Management, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania

Madritsch, T. Steixner, D. Brunauer, W. (2008), “IBI - Immobilien-Benchmarking-Institut“, in: Tagungsband, 2. Forschungsforum der österreichischen Fachhochschulen FFH 2008, ISBN 978-3-8322-7023-0, Wels , pp. 114-119.

Madritsch, T. and Steixner, D. (2008), “CAREB - Computer Aided Real Estate Benchmarking”, in: Proceedings - European Facility Management Conference – 7th EuroFm Research Symposium, Manchester, UK, pp. 257-268

Madritsch, T., May, M., Ostermann, H., Staudinger, R. (2008), “Computer Aided Facility Management (CAFM) as a New Branch of Decision-making Support Technologies in the Field of Facility Management”, in Adam,F. (Ed.) and Humphreys, P. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Decision Making and Decision Support Technologies, IGI Global, New York, NY , ISBN 978-15990-48437, pp. 84-92.

Madritsch, T., Steixner, D., Ostermann, H., Staudinger, R. (2008), “Operating cost analyses of long term care facilities”, Journal of Facility Management, ISNN 1472-5967, Vol.6 No.2, pp.152-170

Vyakarnam, S., Illes, K., Kolmos, A., Madritsch, T. (2008), MAKING A DIFFERENCE A Report on Learning by Developing – Innovation in Higher Education at Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Laurea Publications B26, Edita Prima Oy, ISBN 978-951-799-737-5, Helsinki – Finland

Madritsch, T. (2007), “Education Network Group for the Future Generation of Facility Management”, European Facility Management Insight, PFM Magazine ISSN 1993-1980, Vol.4 No3, pp.1-2,

Madritsch, T., Steixner, D. (2007), “An innovative concept for computer aided real estate benchmarking”, Facility Management 2007, University of Technology ISBN 978-80-89216-15-4, Bratislava-Slovakia, pp. 11-16.

Madritsch, T. (2007), “Transparenz für den Österreichischen Immobilienmarkt”, Wohnbau Forschung in Österreich 2/2007, Forschungsgesellschaft für Wohnen, Bauen und Planen (fgw), Wien, pp. 4-7.

Madritsch, T., May, M. (2007), “CAFM-Praxiserfahrungen aus Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz”, European Facility Management Conference 2007 - Conference Proceedings, Euroforum Handelszeitung Konferenz AG, ISBN 978-3-033-01259-2, Zürich, pp. 103-112.

Madritsch, T., (2007), European FM Education Guide, EuroFM Network, Naarden – Netherlands, Electronic Distribution: 25,000 pdf to EuroFM members and 18,000 IFMA U.S.A, Print Distribution: 2,500 units, M-29378-2007

Madritsch, T. (2007), “User Demands for Sustainable Homeservices”, International Conference on Environment: Survival and Sustainability, Near East University, ISBN 978-975-8359-41-7, Nicosia-Northern Cyprus.

May, M., Madritsch, T., (2007), Computer Aided Facility Management im deutsch-sprachigen Raum, CAFM-Praxiserfahrungen aus Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz, Kufsteiner Hochschulhefte, Books on Demand GmbH, Norderstedt, ISBN 978-3-931221-44-7, EAN: 9783931221447

Madritsch, T. (2006), “User Demands for Sustainable Homeservices”, Changing User Demands on Buildings, ISBN 82-7551-031-7, CIB W70 NTNU Trondheim-Norway, pp. 275-283.

Alde, H., Madritsch, T., May, M. (2006), “Erfolgreiche Einführungs- und Nutzerstrategien für CAFM in Klein- und Mittelbetrieben”, Facility Management 2006, ISBN 978-3-8007-2938-8, VDE Verlag GmbH, Offenbach-Berlin, pp. 217-226.

Hauk, S., Madritsch, T., Redlein, A. (2006), “Economic Efficiency of Facility Management”, Facility Management 2006, ISBN 978-3-8007-2938-8, VDE Verlag GmbH, Offenbach-Berlin, pp. 497-505.

Madritsch, T. (2005), ”Innovative personal development as a strategic tool”, Mondragon Cooperative Research Conference 2005, Mondragon University, ISBN 84-608-0331-7, Onati-Spain, pp. 234-243

Madritsch, T. & Jasch,C. (2005), Sustainable Homeservices – Nachhaltige wohnungsnahe Dienstleistungen – Chance für die Wohnungswirtschaft, Kufsteiner Hochschulhefte, Books on Demand GmbH, Norderstedt, ISBN 3-8334-3070-2

Madritsch, T. (2005), “Moderne Personalentwicklung als strategischer Erfolgsfaktor im Facility Management”, Facility Management 2005, ISBN 3-8007-2884-2,VDE Verlag GmbH, Offenbach-Berlin, pp.381-388.

Madritsch, T. (2004), “New models for the academic facility management education”, Facility Management 2004, University of Technology, ISBN 80-969030-7-1, Bratislava-Slovakia, pp. 86-94.

Madritsch, T. (2004), “FM - education and needs from FM- clients and providers”, 1st EU FM LAB, European Facility Management Laboratory, Milan-Italy, pp. 112-121.

Nenonen, S., Madritsch, T., (2004): “FM-Education in Europe - The Way Ahead”, European Facility Management Research Symposium, ISBN 82-7551-028-7, Copenhagen-Denmark, pp. 234-239

Madritsch, T. (2004), “Architektur versus Facility Management – Partner oder Kontrahenten?”, Wirtschaftsforum der Führungskräfte, Wien – Austria

Madritsch, T. (1995), “Umdenken in der Heizungsbranche - Dort ansetzen wo der größte Kosten/Nutzeneffekt liegt”, Technische Gebäudeausrüstung, ISSN 1019-4118, Weka-Verlags GesmbH, 1140 Wien

Madritsch, T. (1995), “Abgasverlust kontra Bereitschaftsverlust! - Neue Kessel-philosophie von heizbösch erfordert Umdenken”, Heizung-Lüftung-Klimatechnik, 25. Jahrgang, Springer Business Media Austria GesmbH, 1080 Wien

Madritsch, T. (1989), “Umweltbewusstsein und Schadstoffmessung”, Wärmetechnik, 34. Jahrgang, Gentner Verlag Stuttgart, ISSN 0720-3438, pp. 206-211.

Madritsch, T. (1988), “Emissionsmesstechnik: Grenzwerte und Umrechnungsverfahren“, SHT - Zeitschrift für Planung, Berechnung und Ausführung von sanitär-, heizungs- und klimatechnischen Anlagen, ISSN 0036-4401, Krammerverlag-Düsseldorf, pp. 556-560.

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