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Characteristics of our MA programs

Characteristics of our MA programs

Use Your Talent - Expand your Skills

Die FH Kufstein Tirol hat eine einzigartige Kombination von Ausbildungsinhalten entwickelt, die in alle Studiengänge einfließen und die berufliche Karriere der Studierenden und AbsolventInnen entscheidend fördern. Ziel der Kufsteiner FH-Ausbildung ist, verantwortungsvolle Persönlichkeiten mit ethischen Grundsätzen zu unterstützen, ihre eigenen Potenziale zu erkennen und sich weiter zu entwickeln

  • Social skills:
    Also at MA level, social skills form a key aspect of our programs at the FH Kufstein, focusing in particular on leadership qualities, conflict management and moderation skills. Critical reflection stands in the foreground, enabling graduates to look beyond the obvious to make connections and informed decisions – a key skill in any leadership role.
  • Praxis und Projekte:
    Practice plays an important role in both teaching and research at the FH Kufstein. Throughout our MA programs, case studies and projects commissioned by businesses form an integral part of the curriculum. Projects allow students to acquire analytical and practical experience, while working on case studies provides practice-oriented contact with the business world. MA students can also profit from the many subject-specific conferences and workshops organized by the FH Kufstein. Networking and discussion with professionals at such events can greatly influence a student’s future job prospects.
  • International:
    The international focus of the FH Kufstein is particularly evident in our MA programs. Many of our courses are taught through English, often by teachers with experience abroad and experts in the field. Students participate in exclusive field trips abroad, where they experience their field of studies firsthand, developing cultural competences, furthering their knowledge in the area and expanding their horizons.
  • Individual:
    A key characteristic of the MA programs offered at the FH Kufstein is that students are offered the opportunity to adapt their program to their own needs and interests. Students are offered the unique chance to specialize in aspects of the program they are most interested in by selecting electives. In our Master’s program, we are particularly proud of our low student to teacher ratio of 1:6, which provides students with the opportunity to work in small groups and seek individual advice and guidance tailored to their particular needs.
  • Additional qualifications:
    In many areas of the working world, the importance of subject-specific qualifications and certificates is becoming more and more visible. At the FH Kufstein, we aim to provide students with the know-how and qualifications necessary to stand out in the job market. Ranging from advice on additional qualifications to fully integrating these courses into the curriculum, our Master’s programs aim to help students achieve this in a number of ways. In addition, students can take courses at the FH Kufstein International Business School, where postgraduate and further education program offer further qualifications ranging from certificate courses to MBAs.

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